
Overcoming Temptation Leads to Spiritual Growth

Overcoming Temptation Leads to Spiritual Growth Red Rock News March 8, 2025 First Sunday in Lent Rev. Dona Johnson |March 9, 2025         Temptation and testing are universal throughout  human history and no one is ever immune from temptation, testing or spiritual attacks. Throughout  the Bible, we are given story after story of God’s  chosen people being tempted and tested – Adam,  Eve, Abraham, Joseph, Job, Daniel… An important  point to note is that when the devil (an evil force  that opposes the work of God) tempts us, he  doesn’t appear in hoofs and horns. He appears as  something desirous. He sows doubts to confuse  us, distorts the truth and creates a fog in which we  no longer see or differentiate God’s way from the  ways of the world. As Shakespeare said, “The devil  hath power to assume a pleasing shape.” The  serpent is described as crafty; very likely he was  also beautiful, like a beautiful emerald viper, not  like a hissing cobra or rattlesnake.           C.S. Lewis also reminds us the devil finds a  believer’s weak point and uses it to announce a  war on his or her soul. When the devil wants to  attack a person’s soul the first thing, he does is  create a “partition” between God and that person.  The first partition is the “desires of the flesh.” They  cover a broad range, not just sexual sins, but  desires for wealth, power, fame, success, and a  host of other things. The second partition is the  “desires of the eyes” refers to the many things that  capture our attention through our sight, the entry  point for many temptations. Here again we need to  discipline our eyes. What we allow ourselves to  look at and what we avoid to not draw ourselves into sin. And the third partition, the “pride of life”  where we boast of all the things we have  materially, and we brag about all our achievements  and popularity. The temptation to gossip about  other people and live out the lies we tell ourselves. We grow accustom to believing some of the bad  habits in our hearts are good. It’s quite all right to be selfish and self-centered. It’s quite all right to  express hatred and disgust towards others. Thus,  in our rugged individualism, we exalt ourselves, our  self-importance over God and others. Pride is at  the root of today’s narcissistic culture.          The first Sunday in Lent begins with Jesus  being led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be  tempted and tested by the schemes of the devil (Luke 4:1-13). After fasting forty days and forty  nights, he was hungry. Now the desert where he  was taken was truly barren and desolate. As  William Barclay describes it; the hills were like dust  heaps; the limestone looked blistered and peeling;  and the ground sounded hollow to the horses’  hooves and it glowed like the heat of a vast  furnace. It was in this place of devastation where  Jesus was tested. We’ve all experienced those  dark times in our lives where our spiritual,  emotional and physical strength and resilience  grow weak, where doubts begin to cloud our  certainty about God, what is and what is not sin.           In the temptation of Jesus, the devil tempted him with food. The devil also tempted him  with worldly power. He could have what was  already his if he worshiped the devil and gave up  his unwavering devotion to his Father. But with  every temptation, Jesus pushed back on the  devil’s deception with the very word of God, a  word that holds divine power and authority.  Though his own people in Nazareth rejected him,  the devil here recognizes Jesus as “the Holy One  of God.” Luke tells us that after the devil’s plans to  seduce Jesus were foiled, the devil left him until a  more opportune time. The devil does appear again  in the final days of Jesus’ life.           How do we overcome our temptations? The  devil always whispers in our ear what our itching  ears what to hear the most. First, prayer is a  powerful deterrent against temptation. The Holy  Spirit comes to our aid when we cry out to him for  help. Second, we cling to the word of God as  Jesus did, and use it as a source of power and  authority. Thirdly, those who are baptized and  clothed in the love and mercy of God wear a shield  of protection against the evil forces of this world.  Spending time daily in the Bible and prayer is not  optional for Christians. Rather, it is a critical part of  the process of renewing our minds and learning to  recognize and do God’s will and deal effectively  with temptation and testing “when” it comes. Amen.  Rev. Dona Johnson |March 9, 2025

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Living Wholeheartedly With Integrity

Living Wholeheartedly With Integrity Red Rock News Feb 28, 2025 Rev. Dona Johnson |March 7, 2025       Throughout Scripture, much has been written on what it means to be wholehearted. Wholeheartedness means to live with your full heart, with “all” of your heart. It means to be fully engaged in what you are doing or with whom you’re spending time with. Christian psychologist Henry Cloud says, “There is nothing better than being all in with all your heart.” If you are half hearted about something this is not something to condemn, he says. It can be a significant sign that your heart is not in the right place.       Grace Pouch, content manager for Renovare writes, “The most famous part of the traditional wedding liturgy is the ‘I do’ or ‘I will.’ These two little words of assent—to give one’s self and have another fully and exclusively—are a Yes that involves a significant No.” Thus, true wholeheartedness (devotion) requires exclusivity. As you give yourself to your spouse, automatically you forsake all others and any activities, rights and privileges that are spousal. As you devote yourself to God, you automatically forsake other gods and take on the exclusive faith practices. Saying no isn’t about being selfish, unkind or dogmatic. Paradoxically, saying “no” helps us create the capacity to say a wholehearted “yes” to the things that count and to things God is calling us to.       God calls us to be wholehearted in our devotion of him. It is God’s number one expectation. It is no surprise that it is the first of his Ten Commandments. “You shall not have any other gods before me” (Ex. 20:3). Jesus gives his disciples a new commandment, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment” (Matt. 22:37-38).  Again in Matt. 6:24 Jesus reiterates the danger of being half hearted: “No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” If taken seriously, how can anyone be genuinely devoted or loyal to a friend, a faith community or a career if their hearts are somewhere else. Sometimes though when we commit ourselves in obedience and our hearts gradually engage and we end up wholeheartedly devoted.      The real dilemma for many of us is that we live in a world with infinite opportunities and unconstrained distractions. It is so easy to allow the world to compete for our souls, a place where only God dwells. Whether it be our daily choices, professions, politics, ministry, or recreational and leisure pursuits, all of these things compete with our wholeheartedness and being “all in” with the Lord and all in with the people around us. Many of us have a well-rehearsed habit holding the things we daily engage in at great distances from what God desires of us. Thus, we live with divided hearts.        Parker Palmer in his book a “Hidden Wholeness,” writes, “We all long to be whole, but dividedness becomes an easier choice. A still small voice continues to speak the truth about me, my work, or my world. I hear it and yet act as if I did not. I break faith with one of my convictions. I keep silent on issues I need to openly address. I often deny my inner darkness, giving it more power over me, or I project it onto other people, creating “enemies” where none exist.” He continues, “dividedness is a personal pathology but it soon becomes a problem for other people.”      There are many benefits to being wholehearted in our devotion to things. First, it deepens our relationships because we are truthful before God, truthful with ourselves and others; we are free to engage our ministries with energy and vitality, our efforts yield good fruit and are multiplied in life-giving ways because our hearts are in it. And lastly, living wholeheartedly produces a life of integrity; as our hearts are unequivocally aligned with God’s call and his desire for us.Prayer: Lord help me to live wholeheartedly for you. Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |March 7, 2025

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Listening for Sunday’s Promise, We Live In A World Not Of  Our Own Making

Listening for Sunday’s Promise, We Live In A World Not Of  Our Own Making Red Rock News Feb 21, 2025 Rev. Dona Johnson |February 16, 2025       After God had provided a harmonious and beautiful paradise, a perfect habitat with unlimited resources, a place where there was no greed or fierce competition, a place where predators and prey laid next to each other in peace, the first couple God created began to take for granted what God had so graciously provided them (Gen 3). God had been more than generous and gave Adam and Eve the entire garden to dwell and thrive in with the exception one tree – one tree. Everything was humming along until a serpent entered the garden. The serpent raised enough doubt in the mind of Eve that it lured not only her but her husband away from God. At that precise moment, she made the choice to take from the tree what God had strictly forbidden. So in essence it was human choice that brought death in all its forms into the world.       How many of us have given into our thoughts and doubts? Henry Cloud, a well-known Christian psychologist states, “Thoughts come and go. Your mind is like a nest where birds, our thoughts come and go but don’t have to roost. We can control (choose) whether we stay with them and turn them into belief.” So, people, much like Eve allow negative thoughts to lure them away from God, lure them away from His Church and lure them away from each other.       God gave the first couple the free will to choose. Without the free will to choose obedience is not obedience. It is forced and coerced. Without the free will to love, then love is also forced, superficial and not genuine. For anyone who has tried to make someone love them knows very well it is almost impossible and eventually leads to resentment and heartache.       Now if you think this is one of many creation stories written long ago in a far-off place called Eden, you’re wrong! The author of Genesis 3 wants us to know what happened in Eden is still happening today generation after generation. God gives human beings a choice to make. As Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann writes, Genesis 3 is a summons, God’s is calling his creatures to live in his world under his terms.       He sets the boundaries. But the human predicament has always been we want to live in God’s world on our terms. We want to determine our own destiny. But what many of us get wrong is that human creatures were put in the garden (world) not to own it, but to manage it, tend it, cultivate it and shepherd it so it can reach its fulfillment, reach its full potential and redemption in the consummation of Jesus Christ.       God gave the first human couple everything imaginable. The moment Eve bit into the forbidden fruit greed, envy, shame, guilt and selfishness entered the human heart and all of creation. At the very heart of our sin and human condition lie our choices: We choose who we belong to, who we worship and who we serve. We choose how to live – either in intimacy with our Creator or in isolation and alienation. God gives every human creature that choice. Out of divine love for his creation, a love that is eternally authentic, trustworthy, and constant, God gives every human being the freedom to choose. The destiny of the human creature writes Brueggemann is to live in God’s world, and not a world of his or her own making. “The human creation is to live with God’s other creatures, some of which are dangerous, but all of which are ruled and cared for.”      Genesis 3 is not so much about evil then it is about our choices. God calls us to discern the reality of who we are, our true purpose in this life and to seek an answer to the question, why am I here? It is a divine call to take a serious look at how we relate to God and how we relate to each other. God also calls us to take a deeper look at the quality of our relationships and to make the right choices in “all” of life. All of which has its source in the Garden of Life. Every human being, every creature is a gift. A gift we are called to tend, mend and shepherd until all of us with God’s help reach our full potential and our God-give destiny.      As we look out at the world around us, at times it seems overwhelmingly hopeless. However God’s powerful resolve to have his way with his creation is always present. Through his Son, Jesus Christ God overcomes and forgives the alienation we continue to create. He redeems us daily through his inexhaustible grace! Rev. Dona Johnson |February 16, 2025

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Listening for Sunday’s Promise, The Third Conversion

Listening for Sunday’s Promise, The Third Conversion Red Rock News Feb 14, 2025 Rev. Dona Johnson |February 2, 2025 In our culture today, money is the No. 1 false god, and there are many people who worship at the feet of this god. In Sunday’s Super Bowl it is estimated that Americans will legally place bets on the game totaling $1.39bn. The money spent on pornography in the U.S. has reached pandemic proportions with a booming revenue estimated at $15bn. The Federal Reserve reports that household debt reached an all-time high at $1.79 trillion in 2024. These are only a few examples of a symptom to an underlying disease – greed. And this greed is fueled by our culture’s lust for power (influence), money and sex, which produces a fierce competition and selfishnessness.       Martin Luther, both a priest and reformer in the mid-1500s understood what money can do to a person’s soul. He claimed there was not one conversion a Christian undergoes, but three a person needs to go through: “The conversion of the head, the heart and the purse.” Luther understood that the gospel converts a person in all three areas. Most of us can understand why Luther would mention the importance of a conversion of the heart and mind, but why did he add the purse? Luther added the third conversion (the purse) because he understood that money holds a huge priority in our lives. Although our culture has made money a taboo and private subject, a sign of power and status, it is no less a spiritual concern of great importance. Money competes for our souls and it provides only a temporary relief, a false and superficial sense of security. In our current economy, a majority of us can purchase our way out of just about any situation or crisis.       Richard Foster said on Luther’s statement, “In seeking to work our way through a Christian Spirituality of money it is important for us to begin by seeing money in the context of the “principalities and powers” that Paul speaks about so vigorously (Eph. 6:12, Col. 1:16). Money is one of these powers.” Foster continues, “When Jesus uses the Aramaic term mammon to refer to wealth, he is giving it a personal and spiritual character. When he declares, ‘You cannot serve God and mammon,’ he is personifying mammon as a rival god.” In saying this, Jesus is making it unmistakably clear that money is not some impersonal medium of exchange. No, mammon is a power that seeks to dominate us (Matt. 6:19-24).      For Christians, how we live out our faith and how we view the world either through the lens of generosity or scarcity (stinginess) is truly a spiritual battle, an inner battle that plays out in the hearts of many of us. Luther had it right. We can be devoted to all sorts of faith practices, we can have all the biblical knowledge our minds desire to grasp, but if we are not generous with our wealth (money), material possessions and our God-given skills and talents for building God’s kingdom on earth and using them to express love to those in our human family, then in many respects we live shallow and divided in our loyalties. True conversion that moves from the head to the heart has nowhere else to go but to one’s purse, wallet and or bank account. And yet for many of us that is the last thing we want to let go of – money.      As Christians, no matter how much we possess, a little or a lot, if we hold on loosely to the things of this world and hold tightly to Jesus Christ then and only then can we defeat sin, death and the demonic forces of this world. Luther said about faith: “Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.” In what ways do you live daringly with confidence enough to freely stake your wealth and possessions on God’s mission and promsies? How deeply do we trust God will continue to generously provide for our needs as we loosen your grip on all the treasure we keep storing up on earth? Good guestion.      Let us never forget the amazing love God has for his people. He continues to bless us with grace upon grace. As some of us still struggle to be generous, Jesus still continues to abundantly love us, and without hesitation keeps providing for his people. God’s generosity is eternal! Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |February 2, 2025

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God Multiplies Our Efforts To Make The Impossible Possible 

God Multiplies Our Efforts To Make The Impossible Possible  Submitted to Red Rock News for Jan 31th’s edition Rev. Dona Johnson |February 2, 2025 One of the most beautiful sights in the Holy Land is to stand on the gently sloping hills and look out at the Sea of Galilee. You suddenly realize that you are walking on the same ground Jesus walked. You realize you are looking at the same body of water that Jesus often sailed on to take refuge from the crowds or to preach from a boat to those standing on the shore.       In the Gospel of Luke chapter 5:1-11, Jesus is standing on the shore of Lake Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee) This is a turning point in Jesus’ ministry. New Testament scholar William Barclay writes about this passage, “There is coming a time when the doors of the synagogue will be shut to Jesus. And so his church will be the lakeside, the open road and often his pulpit is a boat.” What is utterly amazing is how Jesus when wedged in between the pressing crowd and the water’s edge, takes to a boat and tells Peter to put out a little from the shore so he could effectively project his voice to preach the crowd. Christians often get so anchored, emotionally attached and fixated on their buildings, that the church becomes more of a safe hiding place from the rest of the world, than a base camp for mission? The gospel instructs exactly the opposite, we are to go out into the world, the unknown with very little equipment, and preach without a pulpit, teach with no materials and take only our witness, the message of God’s love to others (Luke 10). John Wesley did just that. In the mid 1700s, Wesley, a Methodist preacher left the church and headed for the fields to preach. It became known as field preaching. He left the church pulpit to preach in the open air to people of poverty and people who had been shun by the church. Therefore, the church is called to also be on the open road!       Jesus asked Peter to put his boat out into deeper water and let down his nets. Peter immediately tells Jesus that he and his fishing buddies had been at it all night without catching one fish, a bit surprising when these men were professional fishermen. Peter obeys Jesus and lets down his nets. Suddenly out of nowhere, all sorts of fish start flapping and flying into the nets. The fish were so plentiful that their weight almost rips apart the nets. Watching the miracle, Peter seeing his unworthiness in the presence of Jesus’ divine goodness and power, in shock drops to his knees and confesses he is a sinner. Peter’s companions James, John and the sons of Zebedee are in the other boat watching this all unfold. Jesus comforts Peter and then him to discipleship with these words, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So, Peter, James, John and the others got out of their boats, left their fishing careers – everything and they followed Jesus.      This amazing story demonstrates a few points. First, the power of God is a great multiplier of all our human efforts. God’s power to transcend our human limitations, our miscalculations and our discouragements make what we deem impossible possible. There are times in our Christian lives where we try and try, we pray and pray and nothing seems to shake loose. But then miraculously God comes alongside us, opens a door and we see clearly a path forward. Secondly, fishing for people, sharing the saving grace of Jesus Christ with others is no easy task. Still today, many Christians are afraid to speak and witness to others.      Luke reminds us that God calls us to push our faith out into deep waters. Yes, following Jesus is not easy, it will cost you something, but the gain is far greater than what you give up. Like Peter, God calls us to take the first step and he will without a doubt multiply our efforts. If we wait for our circumstances to be perfect, if we spend all our time over preparing, we will never begin. Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |February 2, 2025

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Listening for Sunday’s Promise, Love Is The Binding Agent of  The Church

Listening for Sunday’s Promise, Love Is The Binding Agent of  The Church Submitted to Red Rock News for Jan 31th’s edition Rev. Dona Johnson |January 28, 2025 1 Corinthians Chapter 13 is known as the “love” chapter or hymn of love. The entire chapter is devoted to defining what love looks like in the body of Christ. It is often used in weddings as a declaration of love between two people vowing to pledge their lives to one another and you see it printed on programs and napkins. But Paul’s description of love, his intent, although it has poetic undertones in weddings, has an altogether different meaning and purpose.       Paul is addressing the community of Christians in Corinth who may be worshiping Jesus but who are lacking love for one another. His message is not for secular society but for Christians. He inserts his description of love in 1 Corinthians between chapter 12 in which he describes the diversity of spiritual gifts and the need for unity and chapter 14 where he resumes his discussion on worship, Christians who love the church will seek to edify it, not gain personal advantage or compete with one another for importance.       The Corinthian Church was not a homogenous body. Its members were not all the same in faith, in ethnicity, status, rank and life situations. Many of its members were of a lower class. There were widows and orphans, married and unmarried men and women, Gentile converts, Jewish members who still practiced many of their Jewish rituals and Jewish leaders who had held leadership positions in the synagogue and who asserted their power.       For church diversity, love is indispensable. It is the norm by which we use the Spirit’s gifts and celebrate love’s eternal permanence. This behavior builds up the church and prepares its members to see God face to face (1 Cor 13:12). Paul asserts that even if he has the gift of prophecy, of all knowledge and understands all the mysteries of God, without love all his intellectual pursuits are useless. William Barclay, renowned New Testament scholar suggests, There is a permanent danger of intellectual snobbery. “Preaching which is all threat and no love may terrify but it will not save.”       One important attribute of love is patience. The Greek word makrothumein used in the New Testament always describes patience with people and not with circumstances. This type of patience endures however unkind and hurting are the behaviors of others. This is the same eternal patience God exercises with us. What this means for Christians is we are not to compete and one-up one another, we are not to narcissistically fixate on ourselves and our own accomplishments. Instead, divine love sees God’s goodness in others. It gives people the wiggle room to be who they are— different. In fact it looks past the differences of others; it deflects quirky personalities and the odd habits of others without being miffed or frustrated. It sees differences in others as strengths and not weaknesses. There is no sin, no problem or crisis in the church that can shatter or sever God’s love for us and the body of Christ!      Although diversity in the church is a nonnegotiable for Paul, love is greater. So, chapter 13 is a call to action. A call to every Christian community to celebrate and be grateful for its diversity and to get along within it. Thus, Paul’s letter is a holy intervention in the life of every congregation. Love is the binding agent of the Church—it holds together our differences. And its main ingredients are trust and truth. Love thrives and flourishes in communities that take God at his word and where people trust God working in each other, see the best in each other and lift up the good. Faith, hope and love are the only way the Church moves itself into the next generation. Love trumps everything. It is the heart of the Gospel—it is Christ himself. Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |January 28, 2025

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Knowing God And Knowing Yourself  Are Intimately Linked Together

Knowing God And Knowing Yourself  Are Intimately Linked Together Submitted to Red Rock News Jan 15, 2025 Rev. Dona Johnson |January 19, 2025 Christian spiritual directors often get asked questions like these: “Who am I?” What is my purpose? Why am I here? Regardless of age, race or religion, we have all pondered these questions from time to time. In fact of all God’s creatures, we are the only ones that have the capacity to grapple with such soul-searching questions.       Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” St. Augustine after his conversion strived to know himself. He prayed, “Lord Jesus, let me know myself and know you, and desire nothing save only you.” He came to realize that knowing God and knowing himself were intimately linked together. Augustine learned that he needed to have a truthful idea, of who he was, both his strengths and weaknesses and also his blind spots.       For people who journey in the way of Jesus, it is vitally important to take the time to explore who you are. Self-knowledge does not mean you are self-absorbed nor narcissistic, it means you are aware or reflective of your thoughts, actions and attitudes. You can grow in self-awareness, when you are able to sit still before God, not talking, but listening and asking God to scan your life. It is about getting real about your fears, anxieties, joys, thanksgivings, and your sin. All of life is a reflection of our beliefs, attitudes, habits (good ones and bad ones) and our fears and taking into account how all these things shape our perception of God, ourselves and others.Through prayerful meditation, God brings us into our true self, which is the way of Jesus Christ—love, gentleness, confession and forgiveness.  This is the way of love. When we are working out of our false self, our hyper-sensitive egos produce forcefulness, self determination and an aggressiveness to have things our way and take advantage of our privilege over others.      We all have self-concepts of ourselves that may not be reliable. In many cases, if not explored restricts us from living a spacious life of freedom and acceptance of who we are. C.S. Lewis said, “The more we let God take us over, the more truly ourselves we become – because He made us. He invented us. He invented all the different people that you and I were intended to be. . .It is when I turn to Christ, when I give up myself to His personality, that I first begin to have a real personality of my own.” Thus, we were created and belong to God.      In the Gospel of John 8:31-32, Jesus says to the Jews who believed his message, “If you hold to my teachings, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Paul also states, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Cor 3:17). When we come to trust God’s love for us, when we live into his teachings. No its not easy, but life goes better for us. It not only brings a new quality of life, but it also gives us an interior freedom – that no matter the circumstances, God’s love casts out all fear (1 Jn 4:18). Rather than live restricted in our own sinfulness, shame and guilt, God’s love releases us from the weight of sin, so we can live into the largeness of God’s promises and the unforced rhythms of his grace.      Learning to love ourselves correctly is often a slow process. “What often blocks the action of God’s grace in our lives,” says Jacques Philippe, “is less our sins and failings, than it is accepting our own weaknesses. The most important thing in our lives is not so much what we can do as it is leaving room for what God can do. The great secret of all spiritual formation and growth is learning to let God act—let God love you. The person God loves with the tenderness of a Father, the person he wants to touch and transform with his love, is not the person we’d have liked to be or ought to be. It’s the person you are.” Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |January 19, 2025

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Out Of The Waters Of Baptism  You Are Called God’s Beloved

Out Of The Waters Of Baptism  You Are Called God’s Beloved Submitted to Red Rock News Jan 10, 2025 Rev. Dona Johnson |January 13, 2025        All four Gospels, even though they may  differ stylistically, tell the story of Jesus’ baptism by  John the Baptist. This fact in itself indicates that it  is a very important mile marker in Jesus’ spiritual  life, as it remains so in the life of every Christian.  Baptism is a Christian sacrament in almost all  denominations. The Latin word sacramentum which meant “oath” was applied to Baptism in  connection with it’s establishing of a “new  covenant” between a human being and God. Now,  different Christian faith traditions emphasize the  different ways people are baptized. Some  denominations emphasize the person being  baptized must be submerged under water, while  being able to make that decision for themselves— commonly called adult baptism. While other  denominations believe that God’s grace is imparted  to the infant through baptism and confirmed at the  age of twelve through the pouring water over the  head of the child or adult being baptized. But  whether you were baptized as an infant or adult,  whether you were baptized with a little water or a  lot, what all baptisms have in common is Jesus.  Jesus was baptized and so we who follow Jesus are  also baptized. By faith, a Christian is baptized in the  name of God the Father, Jesus the Son and the  Holy Spirit—the Trinity. Their names are written in  the palms of God’s hand (Isa 49:16).          Since God chooses us and not the other way  around, God gives us the faith to come to the  waters of baptism (Eph 1:4-6), and that is the true  mystery of the faith. Baptism also brings many  gifts. First, baptism is an entrance into the body of  Christ, the Church. Secondly, it gives the baptized  the gift of eternal life through the forgiveness of  sin. Thirdly, the Holy Spirit is poured out upon the  baptized imparting spiritual gifts to be used in  building the Kingdom on earth, enabling one to  understand the scriptures, live them out through  fidelity to Jesus Christ and sincere desire to love all people.          Many people are perplexed by why Jesus  who was co-equal to the Father, one without sin  would ask to be baptized by John the lesser. And  this is a great question because the answer reveals   the mystery of Jesus. As the poor, the broken, the  sick and hurting people gathered on the shores to  be baptized by John, Jesus wades into the same  water and takes his place beside them. This is an  amazing moment. Jesus, creator of the universe  openly and without hesitation and unashamed,  stands shoulder to shoulder with sinners. He did  not identify with the pious and smug religious  leaders. No, he identified with the weak, those who  were plagued with fear and anxiety. What other  gods would do this?          As Jesus went down below the waters of  the Jordan, “…as he was praying, heaven was  opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in  bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from  heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I  am well pleased” (Luke 3:21-22). In that moment,  God affirmed the divine love and goodness he had  for his Son. God also claims and affirms us as his  sons and daughters in our baptisms. In baptism,  the church declares what has always been true,  that each of us belong to God, and only to God.          In our Western culture, there are many  malignant forces that try to name and claim us. But  through our baptism, God claims us as his own. We  don’t belong to our illnesses, successes or failures.  We don’t belong to our sinful pasts, the hurts and  traumas we have endured. We don’t belong to our  poor choices. And our souls don’t belong to the  advertising moguls of popular culture. We belong  to the God its that simple and yet that profound!  In the name of Jesus who claims us. Amen.  Rev. Dona Johnson |January 13, 2025

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Each Of Us Have A Wide-Open Space  Only God Can Fill

Each Of Us Have A Wide-Open Space  Only God Can Fill Submitted to Red Rock News Jan 2, 2025 “He stood me up on a wide-open field; I stood there saved” Psalm 18:19, The Message Rev. Dona Johnson |January 5, 2025 As we step into a new year, we must learn, says Henri Nouwen, “To live each day, each hour, yes, each minute as a new beginning.” Imagine living each day with a day full of promises, a day of second chances, pregnant with new ways to live life, new friends and new adventures. Whatever lies ahead for us in the new year, Christians know that God holds their future. They also know that God’s promise of protection for his people is limitless and can take many forms. Thus, we move into the new year unafraid, for God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of sound mind (2 Tim: 17). Whether we find ourselves low in a valley or high on a mountaintop, God has given us courage to actively engage and not retreat from our convictions. Rev. Jacques Philippe, retreat leader and member of the Community of the Beatitudes in France states, “We were not created to lead drab, narrow or constricted lives, but to live in the wide-open spaces.” Christians especially are called to take countless risks, we are not to avoid suffering, but we are called to meet God in the wide-open spaces where salvation waits for us.       David in Psalm 18:2, expresses a beautiful prayer of gratitude for deliverance and victory. David characterizes God’s care for him as a rock that cannot moved, as a fortress, a place of safety where the enemy and evil cannot penetrate, as a shield of protection that comes between us and those who want to harm us and a horn of salvation, a symbol of God’s power and might. David then describes that while hardship and enemies surround him, God’s love brings him out into a spacious (wide-open) place, and he stands there saved, not defeated (18:19).        Spiritually speaking, if we know God is for us, what do we really have to fear (Ro 8:31)? How often do we constrict our lives for fear of the unknown, for fear of failing, for fear that if we confront some truth about ourselves, it might be too painful and open up a can of worms? For many of us the real harm is not outside but inside us – many addictions, relational issues and illnesses have their source in unexplored hurts and unresolved conflict. Chuck DeGroat, a psychologist and pastor believes this may be the year you find out who you really are. Like David, it may be the year that God rescues you from all that constricts you, the false identities and false sense of independence, and place us in a wide-open space where you can see things more clearly—our souls long to be free of our blind spots.Maybe you’ve been living a life of luxury and security, never venturing out beyond the fringe of your comfort zone where things are unpredictable and unfamiliar.             Maybe you’ve been living your entire life through someone else’s successes or expectations, and you suddenly realize you’ve not truthfully lived your life to the fullest. Maybe rather than resist your hardship, you will consent and open yourself to it—welcome it, it’s an amazing teacher. Maybe this year you will find out who God really is—a God who frees you and does not constrict you, a God who leads you away from the crowed path of ego and self-will that leads to stress and strife and instead leads you on the narrow path of Jesus whose grace offers freedom.       What wide-open space will God call you to explore this year? What fear does he want you to confront in order that you might be free of it? What clarity of purpose and clearness in the direction God is calling you to go? Despite the most difficult situations that restrain and restrict our freedom, each person has deep inside a place of freedom, a wide-open space that only God can fill, and no external power can take it away, because God himself is the source. May your new year be blessed with wide-open spaces filled with the spacious grace and favor of God. Amen. Rev. Dona Johnson |January 5, 2025

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God’s Love Dwells in Us

God’s Love Dwells in Us Excerpt from Red Rock News – December 27th, 2024 Rev. Dona Johnson |December 29, 2024 The first words of the Gospel of John 1:1-14 are a text used during the Christmas season. And for good reason. John’s opening proclamation lays the foundation for who Jesus is. John begins his account of Jesus with these words: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).       John wrote his gospel for everyone—both Jews and non-Jews. As one of Jesus’ 12 disciples, John writes with a great deal of credibility and was an eyewitness to the life and times of Jesus. Brennan Manning once said, “If John were to be asked, “What is your primary identity in life?’ he would not reply, “I am a disciple, an apostle, an evangelist, an author of one of the four gospels,” but rather, “I am the one Jesus loves.” Yes, John was both a disciple and apostle. Yes, he was one of the four evangelists. He also wrote 3 of the epistles and Revelation. But, if Manning is right and I think he is, John would want none of that on his tombstone, Instead, chisel the epitaph: “Here lies the body of the one Jesus loved.”       The “one who Jesus loves”—when you think about it is a profound declaration. Are you feeling loved today? Did you wake up this morning with the joy of Jesus’ love in your heart? When you looked in the mirror this morning, did you say to yourself, “I am the one Jesus loved.” When you look into the faces of others, say, “Here is the one Jesus loves.”       That is truly who I am. And that is who you are. We are not so much defined by what we do but who we are loved by. And God loves us. Jesus loves us so deeply that at times it is very difficult for us to grasp. Why? Probably because we’ve never experienced this type of love before. Deep and abiding love may scare us away. Maybe we don’t love ourselves, maybe our critical voice talks over the goodness and giftedness of God’s love within us. Maybe we have attachment issues with God’s love, and everytime we try to get close to him, or get close to others we sabotage our efforts. Maybe we’re afraid if we trust God, he will somehow abandon us like our parents did or other people who betrayed us. Some of us in order to feel connected to God stay in our heads with God and only intellectualize his promises. His promises thus, never reach our hearts. And thus, live in between doubt and love—not fully at peace, restless.       But, to know in your heart that you are without a doubt loved with great affection by the very God who created the universe, is something marvelous to encounter. It is life-changing.      If you want to know what real love looks like, look no further than the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus. If you want to know who God is, look at Jesus. Jesus reveals the true character of God— one of love, mercy and forgiveness. John declares the Word was God. He was not saying Jesus is identical with God, he was saying that Jesus was so perfectly the same as God in mind, heart and in being that in Jesus we see perfectly what God is like.      John continues with words also found in Genesis “light” (1:4). Again in verse 1:9, John picks up the theme of Christ being light. “The true light that gives light to every man was coming into the world.” What this means for Christians is that they don’t walk blindly in this world but God lights a path ahead of them, and he removes the darkness of sin and death from their lives. Thus, life in Christ is lived on a higher plane because of his unfailing and eternal love for them. Christians are no longer crushed by the weight of the law but we are saved by God’s love, his grace through faith in Jesus (Eph 2:8). For no Christian can perfectly live out the law.      Jesus, a new creation is not brought about by some unknown being but through the very Word of God. And that is how God reveals himself to mankind through his Word. When a person speaks words, it reveals what that person is thinking, his or her character and beliefs. So, the Word of God are God’s thoughts uttered out loud, a window into his purpose, personality and divine nature. Thus, the knowledge of God that the Word brings is not merely information to debate or pontificate—it is Life. In order for God’s power to be made known, on the cross and the empty tomb, God entered time in the birth of Jesus, and that is still the miracle we proclaim today—God’s Word became flesh, in the Christ child to dwell intimately, to love, walk with and to suffer with his people. Among all the world’s wealth and treasures, this is the greatest gift anyone can be given—God loves you. Merry Christmas! Rev. Dona Johnson |December 29, 2024

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