The Transfiguration A Snapshot Of Our Future Glory
The Transfiguration A Snapshot Of Our Future Glory Taken from my article submitted to the Red Rock News Rev. Dona Johnson | February 4, 2024 Before the season of Lent begins, we are given a glimpse of God’s glory and our future glory in the transfiguration of Jesus Christ. It seems a little crazy, but there was this moment on the mountain where Jesus’ face, his clothes and body shimmered with a brilliant glow of light. A light so bright it looked much like polished steel when the sun reflects on it. And then suddenly a cloud overshadowed Jesus and his disciples Peter, James and John. The transfiguration is a famous and very unique passage in the Bible and it’s not found anywhere else in ancient literature. But it is included in three of the four Gospel accounts of Matt. 17:1–13; Mark 9:2–13; Luke 9:28–36. This singular event gives us a clear picture of a stunningly bizarre moment that provides us with special insight into who Jesus really is, who he came to be and how we should respond. Jesus’ transfiguration if only for one second, is like a shutter that opens on a camera, and we are given a glimpse of a dazzling gleaming light. The glory of Jesus is revealed and then it instantly turns dark again and then a cloud moves over them. In Jewish thought, the presence of God is often connected with the cloud. It was the glory cloud that led Israel out of captivity and the hands of Pharaoh. It shone so bright at might it looked like a pillar of fire. It was in the cloud that Moses met God. It was in the cloud that God came to the Tabernacle. And it was in a cloud that God filled the Temple when it was dedicated after Solomon built it. Matthew’s account says, “There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light” (17:2). Here we have Jesus taking on the glory of God. Jesus in human form takes on the magnificent, superlative glory of God. And then suddenly Moses and Elijah appear. Why were they there? Maybe Moses and Elijah were affirming Jesus’s mission to save humanity saying, “Go on!” William Barclay believes, Moses and Elijah saw in Jesus all that history longed for and hoped for and looked forward. Jesus is giving his disciples and the world a momentary look at what the future glory of the righteous will one day look like. Through his life, we are now able to enter the very heart of God. Jesus is our ultimate reality. Jesus is God whom people can personally know and come to love. Of course this ultimate reality eclipsed many of the other philosophies of the day. Unlike the Greeks who saw god removed from human history, a god who from a distance held the universe together in a harmonious alignment. God is now found in the person of Jesus who is both fully divine and fully human. A God who is no longer detached from human affairs but is now is fully attached and committed to us with a love stronger than any love we can ever imagine or experience. This is nothing to gloss over—true intimacy with God! This was a dark time in the life of Jesus as got nearer the cross. His disciples must have been shattered knowing he was going to Jerusalem to die. Jesus shone them his glory to give them something to hold to. And like his disciples, Jesus does not leave us without something to hold on to when doubts and fears want to darken our hearts. Not only through the transfiguration, but also through his death and resurrection God gives us profound snapshots of our future glory. And this gives us the courage and confidence to “go on” too! AMEN.
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